¸Û°Äͼ¿â offers internships to social workers who are working toward clinical or macro degrees. We have mental health program directors in a range of programs who provide needed support, supervision and guidance to qualified candidates. Our interns are both baccalaureate and master’s level volunteers. Our internships vary in length, depending upon the needs of the student and the program.
We have active relationships with the following institutions:
- Smith College for Social Work
- Salem State University of Social Work
- Boston University School of Social Work
- Simmons School of Social Work
- University of Massachusetts (Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling)
- Bentley University
- Brandeis University
- Tufts University
We are looking to build additional relationships with institutions. Interested Schools and Individuals should email Lili Schwan-Rosenwald at
Interested in an intership with ¸Û°Äͼ¿â?
Lili Schwan-Rosenwald
Director of PACT and Jail Division